Helene Aarons

There are no words to thank you for the deeply spiritual healing experience Ron and Anne created at Ghost Ranch.  I have never experienced the speed at which the level of heartfelt honesty, vulnerability, love, and a sense that we were all connected, that we were one, was achieved in a retreat before.   It was from this place, immersed in this process so carefully crafted by both of you, that I was able to reach some deeply profound and important feelings that needed to be healed so I can continue to move forward on my deepening journey into elderhood. I am deeply, deeply respectful of your knowledge, skills and abilities and your commitment to help others make a conscious choice to embrace elderhood.   Helene Aarons

Jon Parker

I am grateful for the compassionate, caring and structured methods you utilized to maintain our focus, yet allow space and time for us all to open during the course of our Choosing Conscious Elderhood week.  Thank you for creating an environment for me in which I could experience a rapid unfolding, progression and transition from a place of struggle and depleted spirit to a place of clarity, peace and serenity—a jumping off point into the unknown of the third phase of my life.  Thank you for the process, the ceremonies and your passion for conscious eldering.   Jon Parker

Herb Cohen

Ron and Ann brought out the “love” energy of all of us. I could not have asked or even considered that would be possible in a retreat. The sincerity of both of you was intense and sincere and worthy of our trust. That showed up for each participant at the right moments. It was without a doubt, from start to finish, the most heartfelt work-shop I have ever attended. I continue to feel the presence of our wonderful group.   Herb Cohen

Raphael Sason

Your insights, your wisdom, your ability to gently and skillfully engage 13 total strangers into becoming a cohesive and close-knit “family” was beyond anything I experienced in any previous workshop.  During this week-long retreat in the mystical and magical environment of Ghost Ranch, surrounded by the security and safety of a circle of 14 loving and caring elders, I received unequivocal permission to allow my innermost sentiments and feelings to well up, and I was able to share in a way that had been closed to me in the past… thank you for guiding me and re-minding me that in order to “Do”, I first have to “Be”.    Raphael Sason

Judith Helburn

Our pilgrimage led me to a very deep place within. Much of my ability to descend was because our guides (Ron Pevny, Elizabeth Cogburn, Jan Milburn, Mireya Milburn) not only gave me permission to stumble downward, supporting me as I went, but opened the way. It was a sacred journey made even greater by all the laughter we shared. The depth of the canyon helped me enter my own depth. The rituals led by Ron and Elizabeth opened me in a comfortable manner which overcame my caution. I have traveled much of the world, but this journey has been one of the most life-changing.   Judith Helburn, Training Director for the Sage-ing Guild

Terri Gaffney

I came to the pilgrimage longing to go on retreat, be immersed in and savor beauty, to remember who I am created to be, to be grateful, to embrace aging, to learn from fellow seekers, to be light hearted, to tap into wisdom. My desires for this journey were realized. I felt so cared for by the leaders as well as the people behind the scenes.   Terri Gaffney, Meeting Ancient Wisdom, Growing into Elderhood participant

Gina Fryer

The support I received during Choosing Conscious Elderhood inspired me and continues to do so. I learned during the time I was with you not to plan too far ahead in too much detail, to have flexibility, and to know that I am guided and protected by something greater than I can even imagine. The framework is in place. My job as an elder is to take the next step in each moment.  Gina Fryer

Jean Matlack

My experience on the solo of the Choosing Conscious Elderhood retreat has really been an anchor for me throughout the year, and set my compass on north unswervingly. The acknowledgment I felt as I returned from my solo and shared what I could of the experience was so important for me. It allowed the power of it to settle into my bones. In being received I could receive myself. I am so grateful.   Jean Matlack

Wallace Johnson

The Choosing Conscious Elderhood retreat at Ghost Ranch was a wonderful experience for me! I appreciate the way you designed the week, the clear but gracious way our guides communicated with the group, the variety of experiences you planned, the focus on the work of Spirit, and your enthusiasm about conscious eldering. I left energized, inspired, and excited about what the future might hold for me as well as the rest of the group  Early in the week, in response to a question, Ron said with kindness and confidence, “We know what we’re doing.”  He was so right!    Wallace Johnson

Maureen Dobson

The extended time allotted for reflection, sharing, ritual, and ceremony, all in the great outdoors, provided for a significant deepening and shifting of the conscious aging work I began years ago.  I am so grateful for this experience, and even more grateful for the new community of friends and new tools for growth I will carry with me forever.  Maureen Dobson