Custom Designed Programs

Custom Designed Programs

Custom Designed Programs are available from the Center for Conscious Eldering. Programs will be designed with the specific needs of your organization in mind.

If an empowering vision for aging in today’s world is to reach and inspire ever-increasing numbers of people, that vision has to be presented in ways that speak to the great diversity that defines contemporary society.  The Center for Conscious Eldering is built upon such an empowering vision, and is committed to supporting as many people as possible in realizing the rich potentials of their later years.  So, in addition to offering our core retreats and workshops, we are excited about the process of adapting conscious eldering to the needs of various groups.

Examples of how we can do so include:

  • Presenting one of our core retreats or workshops for your group at your location, with you handling the logistical details
  • Creating a retreat for a faith community as a way of building interest and momentum for that community to initiate Elder Wisdom Circles and other conscious aging programs for their elder members.
  • Creating a workshop for retired and soon to retire university faculty and administrators to help promote engagement and passionate service prior to and after retirement
  • Working with a group of business owners who are facing the challenges of passing on their businesses to others—challenges often rooted in not seeing other possibilities for meaning and fulfillment after they leave their businesses
  • Creating a workshop for senior financial advisors to help them prepare for their own post-retirement years and assist their clients in envisioning that dimensions of aging beyond finances that are critical to a fulfilled elderhood
  • Offering programs of various lengths focused on particular aspects of conscious eldering, such as: The Power of Belief; Releasing the Past;  Finding Purpose;  Creating Elder Legacy; Deepening Spiritual Connection as We Age;  Building Community
  • Giving presentations on conscious eldering at conferences and other events

To explore possibilities for us to assist your group or organization, please contact Ron Pevny at 970-223-0857  or You can also use the simple form below.


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