Coaching for Conscious Living
When we embark upon a journey into unfamiliar territory, a land replete with hazards and opportunities, preparation can make the all the difference in our experience. Many of us nearing retirement consult with financial advisors to help us prepare for the financial challenges of this journey into our senior years. And we learn from specialists about the lifestyle decisions that can support our health as we age.
But what do we do to assure that we find meaning during what can be a decades-long stage of our lives? To lay the groundwork so that we wake up to days filled with purpose, passion and aliveness rather than resignation, dullness and often-unsatisfying attempts to find some enjoyment in our days? We all know too many people who have yearned for the supposed freedom of retirement, yet upon retiring find themselves adrift, nostalgically realizing that their jobs at least provided a sense of the self-definition and purpose that now appear lost.
Understanding and committing to conscious aging can give us a vastly different experience of the journey. Coaching for Conscious Living with an experienced guide who understands the challenges and vast potentials of this journey can be an invaluable gift to yourself. With nearly 40 years experience helping people navigate through and draw power from life transitions, Center for Conscious Eldering Director Ron Pevny can assist you in clarifying your unique vision for your potential in the elder third of your life, in doing the inner work that supports reaching that potential, and in implementing those steps that will translate your vision into reality.
Work via telephone or in-person
Ron can help you to:
- Expand your view of aging to encompass the vast potentials for growth, service and fulfillment in this stage of your life
- Use your inner knowing to clarify your “calling” or “purpose” after retirement
- Get in touch with the elder wisdom and gifts that are the fruits of your many years of life experience.
- Successfully implement steps to translate your vision for conscious aging into a reality
- Identify and make lifestyle changes to help support strong, vibrant physical and mental health as you age.
- Create and implement a strategy for embarking on an “encore” career that can generate income while serving your community
- Identify and do the inner work that is most important for you as you prepare for a fulfilling, conscious elderhood
As your Coach for Conscious Living, Ron will serve as your partner for a part of your journey. His way of working with you will be gentle yet assertive. As your coach, his role is not to provide you with answers. Rather, he will help you attune to your own wisdom and intuition so that your answers will come from you. As part of this process Ron will help you to identify specific, tangible actions you will take in-between sessions and help you hold yourself accountable for honoring your commitments to your growth. The fruit of this work can be the joy and confidence that comes from knowing your calling and gifts and making progress on your path toward manifesting these as a conscious elder.
How the Process Works
Coaching for Conscious Living is available by telephone or in-person on a one-on-one basis with frequency of sessions agreed upon after a no-charge discovery session. Most clients choose to have coaching sessions every two weeks or once per month. Coaching can be especially useful in helping to integrate one’s experiences on a Choosing Conscious Elderhood retreat or introductory workshop. We offer a coaching fee reduction for those who commit to coaching after participating in one of our retreats or workshops.
Ron also offers group coaching via telephone and computer. Being a member of a coaching group involves less financial outlay and enables you to share experiences and support with others on the path toward conscious elderhood.
For more information and to schedule a no-obligation discovery session, please contact Ron Pevny at 970-223-0857