Services and Programs

Services and Programs

The Center for Conscious Eldering supports the development of conscious elders by offering our signature Choosing Conscious Elderhood retreats, shorter introductory Conscious Eldering: Aging With Intention and Passion workshops, and Coaching for Conscious Living life coaching services.

Choosing Conscious Elderhood

Our signature program is primarily offered in a week-long format at retreat centers set amid stunning natural beauty. Employing our nature-based approaches, Choosing Conscious Elderhood provides guidance, inspiration, renewal, and practices and processes to support you on your path toward embodying your potential as a conscious elder. This retreat is structured to serve as a rite of passage for those ready to affirm and confirm their status as an Elder. More information

Conscious Eldering: Aging With Intention & Passion

This workshop usually takes place over a weekend, but can be  customized to meet the needs of a sponsoring organization. It provides an opportunity for you to gain both a conceptual understanding of conscious eldering and an experiential understanding of the types of inner work that are important on this path. If at all possible, we present this workshop in retreat center settings with easy access to natural spaces. Our goal is to have you leave Conscious Eldering: Aging With Intention & Passion inspired, motivated and committed to entering or moving further along the path toward your conscious elderhood. More information

Custom Designed Programs

The Center for Conscious Eldering offers Custom Designed Programs created with the specific needs of your organization in mind.

In addition to offering our core retreats and workshops, we bring the concepts of conscious eldering to professional groups, faith-based organizations, academic institutions and many other groups. Custom designed programs range from speaking at your event to special workshops and retreats custom tailored for your group.

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Coaching for Conscious Living

Understanding and committing to a conscious elderhood can give us a vastly different experience of the journey toward and through this stage of our lives.

Coaching for Conscious Living with an experienced guide who understands the challenges and vast potentials of this journey can be an invaluable gift to yourself. More information

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