Is Conscious Eldering for You?

Is Conscious Eldering for You?

The Center for Conscious Eldering serves people in or approaching their senior years who recognize that fulfillment, growth and contribution in the elder third of life are the result of conscious decisions and preparation. Helping such people prepare well to fulfill their potential as conscious elders of is our passion, purpose and talent.

Do any of the following ring true for you? If so, the Center For Conscious Eldering can help:

  • If I am honest with myself, I see that I fear, hide, and even try to deny my aging. I equate aging with loss and can see few positives to growing older. I fear my best years are over and it’s all downhill from here.
  • I’ve prepared well for the financial realities of retirement, but I’ve given little thought to my emotional and spiritual needs in what I hope will be a long elderhood.
  • I feel torn between a vision of an elder hood in which I serve the community and my desire to finally be free of obligations to others.
  • I want to have a sense of purpose after I retire, but am concerned that family time, leisure activities and “puttering around the house” will not be enough. I don’t know how to find that larger purpose.
  • After I retire from my current career, I will need to earn income and would like to have a “second” career that is fulfilling, but I don’t know what could bring me fulfillment and if this is even feasible.
  • I see some elders who are full of life and passion, and others who seem to be cynical and sad. I wonder how I can prepare to be a happy, peaceful elder, regardless of what challenges life brings me.
  • I’ve been so busy fulfilling my responsibilities that I’ve lost touch with my spiritual self. As I grow older I want to connect (or reconnect) with my spiritual source, but don’t know where to begin.

The Center for Conscious Eldering, through our workshops, rite of passage retreats, pilgrimages to indigenous elders, and coaching services, supports people who are dealing with such issues. We help our clients envision and embrace the opportunities and the challenges of the stage in life that can be truly “golden” if prepared for, and lived, consciously.

The People We Serve…

  • Believe that there is a difference between being old or elderly, and being an elder—a role of continuing personal growth and service to one’s community.
  • Range in age from 50 to 80 and beyond. Many are in the final years of their careers, beginning to contemplate retirement and elderhood. Others are already in their senior years and are seeking support in more fully claiming and embodying the role of elder.
  • Are committed to doing the challenging yet fulfilling emotional and spiritual work that is necessary preparation for fully shining forth as elders in their communities.
  • Want an experience of deep sharing and community with kindred spirits, in which to be supported and inspired. They seek a setting in which they can explore and share their fears and joys, visions and challenges.

If you are a person who can identify with the yearnings, fears, questions and concerns you see on this page, and would like to know more about how the Center for Conscious Eldering can be of service to you, please explore our programs or use the simple form below to get in touch.

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