Conscious aging is a decision. We can accept a view of aging that focuses on losing youth and becoming less productive. Our culture presents this view to us, and many of us settle into it, accepting the idea that we are less valuable than we used to be.
But this is not the majority position, if we look at attitudes across time and space. In many cultures today, and in our own nation’s history, we valued the wisdom and experience of people who had lived long, full lives. Conscious aging recognizes this new-again paradigm of getting older. We have a chance to grow to be wise, experienced elders with plenty to give the world.
The Center for Conscious Eldering offers a range of programs and services for individuals who have made a conscious decision to make the last third of their lives more meaningful. The resources on this page give you a good starting point.
Some of the multimedia offerings below are conversations with Ron Pevny, founder of the Center for Conscious Eldering, and other Center leaders. You’ll also find other organizations that support a richer experience of the final third of life.
Explore these resources. We hope you enjoy them. If they speak to you and you’re ready to take action in your own life, please explore the programs offered by the Center for Conscious Eldering.
Beth Mauroni: Conscious Living Summit presentation
Jeff Armstrong: Aging Well Podcast
Richard Cohn of Beyond Words on Healthy Life Net
Rejuvenaging Podcast with Dr. Ron Kaiser
Emily Francis: All About Healing Podcast
Victor Fuhrman: Vox Novus Radio and Podcast
Johnny Tan: For Your Mother’s Kitchen Radio
Glowing Older podcast with Nancy Griffin
Ron Pevny Being Interviewed for the Aging without Borders Summit
Savoring Life: What Conscious Aging Means
Larry Gray’s Ted Talk on Choosing Conscious Elderhood
Audio links
Rejuvenaging Embracing Elderhood with Purpose and Passion
Remain engaged AND relevant in your later years with insights on conscious eldering from Ron Pevny in new book! with Emily Francis
Reclaiming the Wise Ones: Evolution of Elderhood
Mission: Evolution Radio Interview
New Dimensions Radio Interview and New Dimensions Cafe Interiews (scroll down the page)
Conscious Living, Conscious Aging
Dorian Mintzer of Boomers and Beyond interviews Ron Pevny and Meg Newhouse
Organizations that support conscious aging
The Elders Action Network (EAN)
More to read
Books that Support Conscious Aging
Recent Newsletters
PDF resources
Books that Support Conscious Aging (PDF file)
Download a PDF file of “The Inner Work of Conscious Eldering”