by Ron Pevny
During our recent May Choosing Conscious Elderhood retreat at Ghost Ranch, one of the participants, who is a professional astrologer, told us about the astrological forces that will be strongly influencing humanity in the next several months. I don’t know enough about astrology to accurately write about the particular planetary alignments and influences that are and will be in play. But since much of what she shared is so obviously reflective of what we are seeing in the world around us, I would like to share with you my reaction to her presentation.
Sally told us that a cycle of darkness will be reaching its peak this Fall, or, to put it another way, we will be hitting maximum darkness, or rock bottom, which is a necessary prelude for a powerful, unexpectedly fast-evolving Aquarian energy of hope, creativity and transformation to emerge. We must endure this darkness and hold on to hope and to a positive vision for what can emerge and how we can contribute to that emergence, no matter how dark it gets.
We are truly deep into a collective hero’s journey, having great difficulty seeing the many glimmers of light that shine in our world but are overshadowed by the darkness. There is great fear around the world about the polarization sweeping our planet and the rise of autocratic leaders in many countries. The future of democracy is gravely threatened in the U. S. and many other countries. It is so very easy to become addicted to feeding ourselves toxic, fear-inducing, spirit-crushing news each day, and to allow this darkness to sap our hope and our trust that we can make a difference.
I believe our task as we seek to grow into the fullness of elderhood is to not allow the energies of the trials we are facing, individually and collectively, to disempower us. To begin each day with a commitment to growing and serving, because that is what our growth and integrity ask of us, whether world news is encouraging or not. To seek out and feed ourselves positive images of the rays of light shining in our world, and of the soul gifts we were born to give to the world at this time. To find strength and inspiration in community with kindred spirits. To do what brings us truly alive and not allow ourselves to go numb as we face the demons that throughout history have assailed those courageous enough to undergo the hero’s journey.
Our role as elders, as it has been throughout history, is to model for the younger generations the courage it takes to hold on to our vision and personal power when the forces of unconsciousness seek to gain ascendence. If not us, who will serve for them as beacons of hope amid the darkness?
I believe humanity, and the U.S., are perched on a knife edge between collapse and transformation. I hope and pray that astrological predictions are correct, and that a powerful force for transformation is almost ready to emerge and support us all as we contribute our light to a brilliant, transformative collective beacon. Most of the world’s visionaries tell us that we must work to support the forces of transformation. A positive future is not assured. There will be many times when we cannot see the comforting light through the darkness.
What I do know is that, as a human being committed to my growth and the wellbeing of this world, I WILL do whatever I can to shine my light. If great numbers of us elders make this same commitment, in our lifetimes we may see that we have played a critical role in bequeathing a brighter future to our descendants.