Conscious Living, Conscious Aging, 2024 Edition

New edition now available

The new, expanded and updated edition of Ron Pevny’s book, Conscious Living, Conscious Aging is now available through Beyond Words Publishing,, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or request your copy from your local bookstore.

Conscious Living, Conscious Aging is an inspiring guide to the next chapter of your life. We’re living longer, healthier lives than ever before, and this book helps you to make the most of these new opportunities.

A new edition for 2024 updates the wise words for a new landscape.


“Ron Pevny’s book Conscious Living, Conscious Aging is a unique and valuable resource for those seeking purpose, service, and continual growth in the later chapters of their lives. Its uniqueness lies in its weaving together of Sage-ing and other conscious aging practices, deep wisdom about life transitions and rites of passage, and inspiring stories from those who have chosen to engage in this inner work, all with the goal of supporting the development of the conscious elders our world urgently needs.” — Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, co-author of From Age-ing to Sage-ing

“Ron Pevny’s spot-on wisdom on the elegance of aging is spiritually relevant and deeply useful. His is an inspiring voice for living in greater mindfulness within each present moment.” — Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Life Visioning

“Conscious Living, Conscious Aging fills a conspicuous gap in the literature concerning positive aspects of growing older…The book is well-documented, clearly written, and insightful.” — Robert C. Atchley, PhD, author of Spirituality and Aging

“Ron Pevny’s book Conscious Living, Conscious Aging is a gem of a book that I would recommend to every self-reflective person at or beyond mid-life. It will entice you on a journey of inner growth that makes the elder years richer and more satisfying and vital than most people can imagine. It could change the paradigm of aging and how elders can reclaim their traditional social roles as wise stewards and mentors. Ron brings to the book the wisdom of his great experience, both personal and from leading ‘Choosing Conscious Elderhood’ retreats and other nature-based programs (full disclosure: I participated in one recently). Each chapter takes up one of the issues we need to confront and work through to be conscious elders––for example, healing and releasing the past through reframing our stories , healing relationships, forgiving ourselves and others, and letting go of outworn identities; facing our mortality; building legacy, and balancing serving and savoring. Each chapter ends with an illustrative “story by the fire”; one of the most compelling for me was ‘From Grief to Gratitude in the Death Lodge,’ about a mother’s healing from her daughter’s suicide several years previously. Resources and exercises are appended. The writing is elegant and lucid, and yet at the same time it’s as though you are having a conversation with Ron around a campfire. I’m gifting this book to friends for the holidays.” –Meg Newhouse

“Prophetic wisdom!!! This book should be required reading for all who turn 50! The author’s writing is a culmination of sages across all time lines and cultures. The book is definitely most beneficial when it is used in a circle — in other words, when you put the words into action — for the purposes of personal reflection, support, and affirmation. When you engage the book on this level, you reap a treasure trove of gifts.” –Jivana

“Our youth oriented society truly needs this book. Those of us who are already elders and those approaching elder hood need the encouragement and clear message of what can be accomplished, no matter your “old” age. It is all about Choice, folks. This writing defines it beautifully.” –Kathleen Guest

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