A Message

by Anne Wennhold The Vermont sunshine blanketed me with its golden warmth as I climbed onto the sandy bank of the swimming hole. Glorious day! I shook my head flinging water drops into the still air. Reaching for the towel I saw a small transparent spiral curled up in the… Continue reading

Enjoy Our Newsletter

The Center for Conscious Eldering sends newsletters to subscribers on a quarterly basis. In these newsletters, we share details of upcoming programs, news, and articles that will improve your life. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive upcoming issues. You can also read our most recent newsletters here on the website.… Continue reading

Conscious Living, Conscious Aging, 2024 Edition

New edition now available The new, expanded and updated edition of Ron Pevny’s book, Conscious Living, Conscious Aging is now available through Beyond Words Publishing, Bookshop.org, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or request your copy from your local bookstore. Conscious Living, Conscious Aging is an inspiring guide to the next chapter of… Continue reading

On Elder Activism

by John Sorenson “Houston, we have a problem!” This was the message from three astronauts 52 years ago, as their spacecraft had a life-threatening design failure on its way to the Moon. I was a member of the Apollo engineering team that responded to that call for help. Today, within… Continue reading

A Feather on Your Wings

by Katia Petersen “Grandma, do you believe in Angels?” “Of course I do, she replied” “How do you know they exist and how do I become an Angel I ask?” “Well, I know they exist in my heart, and by looking at the miracles around us, like the sun rising… Continue reading